5 reasons your online content should contain more visuals.

Whether it is on your website or your social media pages, visual content drives engagement. A photo or video is more likely to be shared than a link or text post.

1. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Visuals get your point across quicker. Photos and visuals have always played a huge role in conveying ideas, messages, emotions and even stirring up memories that may not be as easily expressed in words.

 2. Consume. And share.

Thanks to social media, we have access to millions of photos and have the ability to easily share the ones we like with a click of a button. Everyone nowadays is on-the-go because we’ve adapted to a busy, fast-paced culture. We want information. We want updates. And it better be quick.

3. Engage and connect with your customers.

If you own a business and are on social media, having photos of your employees, your brand, your products, and even your work events for fans and followers to see invites each one of them into your world. They get to see what you see, giving them unique access to you and your business. Even feature customer photos, if you have any!

4. Ask questions, be engaging.

Even if it is something simple, like a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, your customers are still paying attention to your brand and what you have to say. Sometimes, posting a relatable quote, experience or current event works too.

5. Have some fun — but don’t get too crazy.

Show your brand’s personality, be relatable.

Do you have a favorite photo, meme, infographic, gif, etc. you’ve seen online?                 Share it with us!

 ~#LiveMobi Media